Police Hit NFL Team With Brutal Warning About Disrespecting America a 2nd Time

#backtheblue #bluelivesmatter #lawenforcement #Merica #officer #police #policedepartment #policelivesmatter #prayforblue #Sheriff #thinblueline

During the NFL’s opening weekend on September 11th, several members of the Miami Dolphins refused to stand during the national anthem, resulting in a significant number of fans being quite upset. Fans weren’t the only people who were offended, local police officers decided to make their own protest, and are letting their feelings on the matter be known by not providing security to the Dolphins’ games until they show the proper respect to the flag and anthem.According to the Miami Herald, the head of the local police union is asking its members among deputies and police to not provide escorts for the players to and from the stadium and field as they typically do, until they choose to show the proper respect for the flag and anthem of the nation that has blessed them so much.


“We’ve asked the deputies and the Broward Sheriff’s Office not to do the details anymore,” proclaimed Jeffery Bell, president of the Local 6020 branch of the International Union of Police Associations. “I respect their right to have freedom of speech. However, in certain organizations and certain jobs you give up that right of your freedom of speech temporarily while you serve that job or while you play in an NFL game. I can only imagine the public outcry if a group of police officers refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance or if we turned our back for the American flag for the national anthem,” Bell added. “There would be a public outcry and internal affairs complaints a mile long on that.”

It has been rumored that the players who took a knee during the last game are now rethinking their actions and are trying to determine which avenue they will take from here on out. It is unclear if any of the Broward County Sheriff’s deputies carried out the suggestion of the police union, but the Miami-Dade police department did not, citing contractual obligations with the stadium.


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  • Steve Foster on

    Stand Tall Brothers. I would not give them anything until they stand for the anthem. NOTHING. As a police officer, I would not give them the time of day.

  • Erprod on

    The police job is to protect and service not to dictate who sit and Neil for the flag do your job or get a another.

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