The Nest — #policelivesmatter

A Leader and Hero In Blue

#backtheblue #bluelivesmatter #dallas #lawenforcement #officer #police #policedepartment #policelivesmatter #thinblueline

His son died after being shot 12 times by police officers (after his son had previously killed an officer) and his brother was murdered by drug dealers. Rather than burn down the block he has risen to run one of the largest police departments in the nation in his efforts to stop police brutality. He is Chief David Brown, head of the Dallas Police Department. Last week he saw five of his officers murdered during a peaceful rally in Dallas. He is one of many Heroes in Blue‬ actively working to make our communities a better, safer place. Thank you for...

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That feeling you get when you open your order from Dove Designs

#backtheblue #bluelivesmatter #breastcancer #cancer #fightforacure #FireDepartment #firefighter #firefighters #firefightersforacure #firefightersforthecure #K9 #lawenforcement #officer #police #policelivesmatter #Sheriff #Teacher #veterans #Video Teachers

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Law Enforcement: Great idea to gain support from your community.

#BackTheBlue #bluelivesmatter #Deputy #K9 #lawenforcement #NationalPoliceWeek #officer #police #policelivesmatter #Sheriff #thinblueline #Video #Youtube

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8 Things You Only Know If You’re Married To A Police Officer

#backtheblue #lawenforcement #marriage #police #policelivesmatter #spouse #wife

1. Holidays and family gatherings are spent by yourself. After all: Holidays are some of the busiest times for the men and women in blue. As celebrators skirt from family to family, whisking wheels too-fast over new snow, police officers attempt to quell the chaos. You have the soul-warming food, sure; the endless and intimate family conversation; but you don’t have your partner. Which makes any holiday just a little bit empty. 2. The other husbands and wives on the force become your second family. They live with the same day-to-day fears; their bed is just as empty as yours; and they’re...

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10 on duty police safety tips for the 4th of July

#Fireworks #IndependenceDay #July4th #lawenforcement #officer #police #policelivesmatter #Safety #Sheriff #survival #thinblueline

The Independence Day holiday can increase exponentially the number of intoxicated knuckleheads you’re likely to encounter on your shift The months of June, July, August, and September tend to bring out a wee bit more of ‘the crazy’ than is typically encountered in the ‘dead of winter’ or the mild months of autumn and spring. Triple digit temps and extended daylight hours just seem to bring out the mouth-breathing nut jobs with greater regularity. The summertime heat begets bar patrons on sidewalks for miscellaneous mayhem far more frequently than you’d find in February, and we’ve all seen more than one...

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