The Nest — #marriage

What are the struggles of a firefighter marriage?

#firefighter #firefighters #marriage #spouse #Stress

Once the glamour wears off, and reality sets in, it's not for everyone. You have to be able to deal with the long hours away from home, the midnight pager wakeup calls and the reality that your spouse may not come home from a shift or a call. Facebook fans were asked to share some struggles they've encountered in their firefighter marriages. Read the responses below. And remember, as tough as it is, spouse support means everything. Trust as a female firefighter in a new relationship. It’s hard to explain to the new boyfriend the closeness between me and my fellow...

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#firefighter #firefighters #marriage #principals #spouse #success #wife

  By Anne Gagliano The divorce rate for firefighters is three times that of the general population, which is the highest rate in the nation, second only to that of the military. A functioning, long-term marriage in this profession is uncommon; a happy, thriving, intimate one is rare. My husband Mike and I are fortunate to have the latter. Over the years I’ve tried to fill the gaps that surface as he works to fulfill his calling as a firefighter. Some things I’ve learned by accident and some I’ve learned the hard way. Some aspects of the job are hard...

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There Is No Handbook For Being A Firefighter’s Spouse

#firefighter #firefighters #marriage #spouse #wife

They have just closed their eyes.They are exhausted after their shift the night before.They slowly drifts off to sleep.Suddenly, their eyes are forced open by shining lights. their ears are pierced by the shrill of the alarm. they rub their eyes and listen to the loud voice conveying vital information over the PA. Not missing a beat, they quickly makes their way toward their gear.In less than 90 seconds from the moment they first heard the alarm, they are in their seat. Flashing orange lights and shrieking sirens fill the bay. They can almost hear their heart thumping. Their training sets in. They prepare their body and their mind for whatever the call will require of them.They are a...

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